Sunday, July 03, 2005, 11:01 PM
wee.. waitin for ur call say u will call mi back de hope so u wun lie to mi dis time or u may regard my call as nonsense hmmm.. life is realli fragile man.. but muz not gif up muz perservere on God is worth of our everytin haiss abby bdae party on dis comin sat i cannot go she is my ex shepherd her 21th bdae but i got a function to attend yippie.. e rain wun fall as long God is still there. becuz u live u make mi believe in myself wen no one did. =) wahh.. heehee todae went to my cousin hse play heart attack bla bla realli fun lolss PS: my cousin live beside mi onli LOL. haf REAL FUN tml goin melissa hse to mug for my math smth happen to mi i feel damn uncomfatable man i dunno i feel so paiseh perhaps i tink too much ARGHH GOD tell mi it is normal it is ok evt gonna b alrite NO BIG DEAL RITE? GOD>