Wednesday, September 24, 2008, 9:40 PM
heyys everyone

it had been a super painful week for me

i've got toothache and it is aching and pressing on my nerves

and today i had half day, we were all drenched.

due to the rain and my umbrella went haywire

it was cold and yet aching.

went to the dentist and consult

i need to remove the whole nerve and it was $1200.

decided to back off due to $$$ problem and took painkiller and went home

it was aching the whole afternoon and i was super frustrated since mon night till now

aching like mad. thanks for the understanding my family gave

i was actually tearing the whole afternoon HAHAHAHAHA

it was super pain and i prayed to God for blessings

and yet true enuffff!!!!

my mum strike 1st prize in 4D hahahahhahahaahahaahahahahahahahaa

and str away my father fetch us to the clinic hahahahaha

had 45 min treatment not painful at all till now but later at 10 it will hurt.

still got about 6 more treatments to go

but thanks God for the root canal treatment of my tooth =)

yet i am still beri talkative and my parents asked me to shut up

and so i am blogging now.

my mouth is swollen but it is better and yeah i can go back work tml =)

5 more days and i will leave TCL and Urbanscapes pruning team =(

yest we were at the beach pruning thn this golden retreiver dog ran to me and i stroke it

and then it sat down and i continue to stroke it, it went back to her owner after 5 minutes

soooo happy to be able to see dogs during working times. =)

a very drama day